Getting Techie with SB Tech Talk: Summer Edition

Santa Barbara techies converged on The Narrative for their second (summer) edition of marketing magic, discussion and community. Three fantastic marketing experts from locally based companies shared their experience with fellows in the field, looking to strengthen their skills and diversify their tool box. The spotlight shined bright on three speakers with their own attributes and topics.

Todd Crawford, Co-Founder and VP Strategic Initiatives, ImpactRadius
Marketing Attribution - How to know if you're ready for marketing attribution measurement, with actionable advice for getting started.

Sarah Bacon, VP Marketing, Zype
Start-up Marketing - How to keep your funnel fat and happy when you've got a lean team (or you're the only marketer in the house). Tactics, tips and tricks from the trenches.

Justin Nerdrum, Sr Manager Engagement, Procore
Driving Engagement - Using data driven Agile Marketing to engage prospects and clients, while keeping your audience wanting more. 

HUGE shoutout to the event sponsors!! Impact Radius, Procore, Logic Monitor, Invoca
We can't wait for the third edition sometime in the future!